北京龍天韜略科技有限公司自創立迄今以“誠信為本”為經營理念,以“追求 、挑戰未來”為企業精神,以“發展、創新、改革、開放”為指導思想,“一切為了用戶”的服務宗旨,注重專業技術的提升以求研究開發與創新技術為發展宗旨,不斷的發展和完善。將“理念、人才、技術、產品”融為一體,落實ISO 認證,發展。致力于打造“龍天韜略”產品品牌和高品質服務品牌,倡導與客戶雙贏共榮,做客戶值得信賴的朋友!
榮譽出品 專業廠家 現貨直發 質優價優 技術支持 使用無憂
空心陰極燈/元素燈 德國耶拿Analytik Jena貨號
砷Arsenic (As) 貨號480-450.003德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
空心陰極燈/元素燈 德國耶拿Analytik Jena貨號
鋁Aluminum (Al) 貨號480-450.001德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
銻Antimony (Sb) 貨號480-450.002德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
砷Arsenic (As) 貨號480-450.003德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鋇Barium (Ba) 貨號480-450.004德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鈹Beryllium (Be) 貨號480-450.005德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鉍Bismuth (Bi) 貨號480-450.006德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
硼Boron (B) 貨號480-450.007德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鎘Cadmium (Cd) 貨號480-450.008德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鈣Calcium (Ca) 貨號480-450.009 德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
銫Cesium (Cs) 貨號480-450.010德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鈰Cerium (Ce) 貨號480-450.011德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鉻Chromium (Cr) 貨號480-450.012德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鈷Cobalt (Co) 貨號480-450.013 德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
銅Copper (Cu) 貨號480-450.014 德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鏑Dysprosium (Dy) 貨號480-450.015德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
鉺Erbium (Er) 貨號480-450.016德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
銪Europium (Eu) 貨號480-450.017德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
釓Gadolinium (Gd) 貨號480-450.018德國耶拿*空心陰極燈元素燈
序號 | 產品貨號 | 產品名稱 |
1 | 820-60021-0 | 氘燈 |
2 | 820-60267-P | 鎢燈 |
3 | 480-450.028 | 鉛燈 |
4 | 480-450.032 | 錳燈 |
5 | 407-111.402 | O型圈 |
6 | 418-88060-0 | 德國耶拿耗材 |
7 | 450-126.496 | 德國耶拿耗材 |
8 | 10-5-2010126000 | 霧化器 |
9 | 402-889.714 | 耶拿耗材 |
10 | 407-152.346 | 石墨煙筒 |
11 | 402-880.009 | 石英容器 |
12 | 402-889.510 | 耶拿耗材 |
13 | 418-13-5850-900-14 | 可拆卸矩管接頭 |
14 | 418-13-410-402 | 可拆式矩管外管 |
15 | 418-13-410-401 | 內管(標配) |
16 | 418-13-410-404 | 噴射管 |
17 | 450-126.496 | 耶拿耗材 |
18 | 450-126.496 | 耶拿耗材 |
19 | 10-5-2010126000 | 霧化器 |
20 | 402-889.714 | 耶拿耗材 |
21 | 407-152.346 | 石墨煙筒 |
22 | 402-880.009 | 石英容器 |
23 | 402-889.510 | 耶拿耗材 |
407-218.852 Polystyrene-sample cup 1,5 ml; 1,000 pieces
407-230.073 Pack of 10 pieces PP-sample cup, 5 ml
407-400.057 Pack of 100 pieces Sarstedt PP- sample cups with 15 ml
407-400.054 Pack of 50 pieces Sarstedt PP- sample cups with 30 ml
407-402.926 Pack of 30 pieces Sarstedt PP- sample cups with 50 ml
Consumables multi EA 5000
effective from 01.01.2010
PriorityOrder numberDeion
Consumables general
402-889.527Auto-Protection valve assembly, complete
B402-889.091Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces
402-889.652Flow test kit
A402-889.182Wires for cleaning syringe needles, set of 10 pieces
402-007.513FAST connector, 1 piece
(adaptor angeled for gas tubings, black)
402-801.317Fuse for furnace unit
T 10 A H, 20 mm
402-820.044Air filter for membrane dryer pump (at rear side of multi EA 5000), 1 piece
402-889.510Multi purpose combustion tube
402-825.045Tweezers, straight, truncated
402-889.092Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces
(for sample rack with 112 positions)
402-889.558PTFE filter plate, d = 25 mm (Auto protection replacement
402-820.129Oxygen and argon gas supply tubing
FEP, OD 6 mm (sold by meter), 1 m
402-889.306Screw cap with hole, GL 18
402-889.557Sealing disk, 17 mm, for plastic cap GL 18, Set of 5 pieces
402-889.583Special sealing 12 mm
(FAST connector at outlet of multi purpose combustion tube)
402-822.118Heat resistent gloves, 1 pair
402-812.374Replacement screw
(mounting of autosampler on the basic unit/ ABD)
402-823.079Removable needles for 50 and 100 μl syringes, set of 3 pieces
402-886.248Waste hose
A402-889.206Septum for rinsing vessel
402-889.533Syringe 50 μl, with removable needle, without markings
402-889.534Syringe 100 μl, with removable needle, without markings 402-889.547Gripper
402-889.589Syringe 10 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
recommended for higher element concentrations and systems with carbon module
402-889.592Syringe 100 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
402-889.590Syringe 20 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
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